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Facing a quarter-life career crisis as a high-achieving woman? Read this.

Updated: Jun 30, 2023

As a woman in your mid to late twenties, you may be experiencing a quarter-life career crisis. You may be feeling lost, stuck, and uncertain about your career path, and wondering what steps to take to achieve your professional goals. Fortunately, career coaching for women can help you navigate this challenging phase and find clarity and direction in your career. In this blog post, we'll explore some strategies that can help you move on from your career funk.

The first step in overcoming your quarter-life career crisis is to assess your skills, strengths, and values

. This can help you identify your career goals and find a career path that aligns with your interests and passions. A career coach can help you take a comprehensive career assessment, which can include aptitude tests, personality assessments, and values clarification exercises. This can help you gain insight into your career aspirations and find a career path that suits you.

Assess where you are right now and what needs to change

If you don't feel you are living up to your own career expectations then a career coach can help you take a comprehensive career assessment, which can include aptitude tests, personality assessments, and values clarification exercises.

Create a plan to get you on track

Next you need to dig deep into your career aspirations - what would your dream career look and feel like. Let's build a plan to make that achievable for you.

Find mechanisms to keep you resilient and motivated while you figure things out

It's all well and good that you are building a plan towards your next career move but you still need to turn up and go through the motions of your current career situation day to day. We can help you create a strategy where you can keep things running smoothly, while you figure out the bigger picture.

Build your network

Building a strong professional network is critical for the long-term. So it's a good time to start working on this more proactively. Even developing your LinkedIn presence is a great place to test the waters.

Don't worry

Careers never follow a perfect trajectory so try not to be hard on yourself during this time. It's a learning experience. If your experience has included redundancy, performance management or you got fired. It's all ok! These experiences might just be the best thing ever for your long-term career.

There are lots of tools available to navigate this phase of your career. Find out about coaching by visiting Dr Sam's home page

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