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Marketing Strategies for Transitioning Your Side Hustle to a Full-Time Business

So you've made the decision to go all in on your business. You've done the side-hustle so this is your next natural step. We've worked with many women clients in the same position as you, here are our quick tips to get you thinking about your marketing. Go for it!

Zero in on your clients - there's space for everyone, so get clear on who your clients are. You already have some clients so use those as a basis to more clearly understand the audience that connects with you most.

Build your brand - you might not want a website, you might not love social and just want to use a booking system for your services but you need to build your brand. Brand's give your business legitimacy and build trust. There are key things that clients and customers will look for when deciding to buy from a business - so help your clients to decide.

Don't forget to do local marketing - there is something to be said for reaching out to your local market. It might sound a bit old school but it still works. That means leaving your business card, reaching out to other people in the area who could recommend you to your clients. Think about where your clients spend their time and make sure you are reaching out to these.

We can help you kick start your business strategy so you can step out into life as a fully fledged entrepreneur. Why not join us for a 1 hour small business strategy session for nurturing coaching support to help you move in the right direction.

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