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On the Corporate Track? Three Ways to Build your Personal Brand

Writer's picture: Samantha LynchSamantha Lynch

If you’e on the corporate career track then here are three things you should know when it comes to building your personal brand. Today we cut through the crap and give you clear advice to edge you closer towards your professional ambitions.

Hard work isn’t always linked to career success

There you go, I’ve said it. As much as it will upset some, there are elements of your career that really kick-in the higher you go. Knowing that you deliver results is a given, it’s probably why you have been promoted or lined up for a promotion in the first place. Now it’s also being politically astute, it’s a skill that no one cares to admit but is worth its weight in any corporate environment.

Create a strategy for your first 100 days in any new role or project

First impressions count and impact needs to happen fast. Rather than enjoying the quiet season of transitioning from one role to the next, now is your time to ramp things up a notch. Most of the impact you will make within a role will be in two key windows. The first is on your appointment to your role and the next is when that project hits the heavy lifting phase - when the challenges outweigh the positives and the end of the project is far from sight. So dive in and create a plan for your first 100 days and give some thought as to the approach you want to take when things get tough. These two strategies will serve you as anchor points when you need to move fast with confidence.

What’s your second move?

While you might have a clear ambition within your current role. We encourage you to go beyond that. Figure out what the requirements are for the next job or even the one after that. Then you know what you need to do in your current role as you build up to those next milestones.

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